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What will we do at Homecoming?
Check-in begins at 10:00am CST at Camp Loucon's dining hall
Worship with fellow Loucon friends - bring a fold out chair!
Visit with your Loucon friends and make connections
Enjoy a cook-out lunch
Go on our zip line! (must be 5th grade or older; first come, first serve sign-ups; sign up at check in on the day of)
Hike to Whispering Falls!
Jam session - bring an instrument to join in!
Van tours
& more!
Price to cover the costs of the event:
$25 per person OR $55 per family
You do not have to be a Loucon Alumni Association member to join us at Homecoming. However, there will be opportunity to sign up for membership at the event if you wish.
Loucon Alumni Association
About the Association
The Loucon Alumni Association exists to provide past campers, staff, parents, supporters, and guests a way to stay connected in order to support Loucon and one another.
You can obtain a life-long Loucon Alumni Assocation membership today!
This association is for: past campers, past staff, retreat guests, donors, parents of campers/staff, supporters - anyone who feels connected to this ministry!
Benefits of being a member of the Loucon Alumni Association:
Regular newsletters - Stay informed about the happenings at Loucon through a regular email newsletter sent out 2-3 times a year
Facebook group: Receive informational updates and stay connected to the Loucon community through the Loucon Alumni Association Facebook group
Loucon's Annual Homecoming Event - come back to camp to experience a day of fun, community, nature, and worship at our special annual event, Homecoming. (membership is not required to attend Homecoming)
Service Opportunities - We'll let you know how you can help Loucon's ministry, and you can let us know how you might like to be involved at camp!
Connection to other members - through the Facebook group and special events
Welcome gift - when enrolling in your life-time membership, members will receive a Loucon Alumni t-shirt as your welcome gift into the association!
To join the Loucon Alumni Association and take part in the benefits mentioned, you can fill out our membership form along with a one-time membership fee of $50.
So, how can I join?!
We'd love to have you as an official member of the Loucon Alumni Association! Click on the link below to fill out our simple membership registration form.